Kiwanis Care Centre is fortunate to have other specialists visit the Centre to provide additional services to our residents that we are unable to provide in-house. These services include:
Dental Services
We encourage Kiwanis Care Centre residents to have an oral examination once every year. Our nursing staff can book dental appointments as requested by the residents or their families. We also have access to mobile Denturists whose services can be arranged through our nursing staff. Please note- Dental costs are not covered by Kiwanis Care Centre and are the responsibility of the resident and/or their family.
Optometry Services
We recommend that our Care Centre residents have their eyes checked every one to two years. Residents who have ongoing eye problems may need to have their eyes examined more frequently. Optometry appointments may be made through our nursing staff. Costs associated with optometry services are partially covered by the Medical Service Plan of BC. Any additional costs are the responsibility of the resident and/or their family.
Foot Care
The Foot Care Nurse visits the Care Centre on a regular basis and appointments can be arranged through the nursing staff. Residents are encouraged to see the Foot Care Nurse regularly. Foot Care Services are no longer covered by the Medical Services Plan of BC and costs are the responsibility of the resident.